- "Empowering the Feminine–Belly Dancing for Body and Spirit" in October 2009 issue of Alive Magazine available
- "Marketing and Selling a Self-Published Erotic Novel" in March 2009 edition of the Erotica Readers & Writers Association in Author's Resources.
- "The Autobiography of Writing an Erotic Novel" in September 2008 edition of the Erotica Readers & Writers Association in Smutters Lounge (text available here)
- "Long Live the Book" in February 2008 West Coast Editor available here.
- Quoted to "Imply Emotion" in Clue #21: Gestured to Death in Don't Sabotage Your Submission by Chris Roerden. Rock Hill, SC: Bella Rosa Books, 2008.
          "I had met my hero. He smoked his cigarette cupped
          backward in his hand. I first noticed him sitting on the
          back of a park bench. Leaning forward, elbows on his knees,
          black Wellingtons on the seat, smoking a cigarette."
          - A Country Girl, p. 31
- Occasional contributor to Eric Maisel's Creativity Central Blog